
Monday, March 30, 2009

Nightime Routine

I love love love wearing makeup, but my face needs to breath sometimes, right? This is my routine before I go to bed to clean everything off.

I start by removing my eye makeup with a cotton ball and this L'Oreal Eye Makeup Remover knock off (Walmart Brand!). Who cares if it's generic. It works rather well (not so much against waterproof, since it's oil-free, though). It's a cute bottle, too!

Next, I take one of these cucumber exfoliating cleansing towelettes to my face. I start by taking the bumpy side to my whole face and then I use the smooth side. This is to remove all my makeup and cleanse my face. I love this so much! They are an excellent product and work really well.
After cleaning, I might tone. I do not always do this step. If I have a break out or feel one coming on, I will use the Clean and Clear astringent all over my face. If not, I will use the Clinque. The CnC has 2% salicylic acid. The Clinque really helps to sooth my skin after removing all my makeup.
Next, I apply this medicated acne gel to wherever I have a breakout or feel one coming on. Something with benzoyl peroxide is a really good acne treatment.
Now, I have long nails, so I have serious difficulty getting creams out jars without it getting under my nail. I've taken to using this little spatula I have. This is the Clinque All About Eyes Rich Eye Cream. I didn't used to use an eye cream, but I have noticed a difference since I have started, in puffiness and under eye circles. My under eye skin is just more healthy.
Lastly I slather this Pond's moisturizing cream all over my face and neck. It's an excellent moisturizer. I tend to have dryer cheeks and this helps to combat the dryness.
I apply this ELF Theraputic Conditioning Balm every night! Otherwise, I have a serious tendency to get chapped lips. It's creamy and moisturizing. Plus, it's strawberry!!
Now, I've been using this lately. This is the Ardell Brow and Lash Growth Acellerator. No word on how well it works, but we'll see. After using it for a few weeks, I'll do a review.

Now I put on my mask and go to bed. Zzzzz.....

1 comment:

ndoodles said...

I use the Pond moisturizer too but I use it to remove my eye make up if I'm too lazy. It works well as that.