
Saturday, November 29, 2008

What I Want For Christmas (not beauty related)

Okay, so there are these cats sold on Etsy called "Travel Kitties." You take them where ever you go and you can post pictures of your kitty on this blog. They are made by a mom who wanted to teach her son about geography. Each kitty is hand made and they are all a little different. Each kitty has a different tail because each kitty has a different tale to tell. :-) How cute!!!

Photos by the Travel Kitty Project

1 comment:

Lisa M. Dalton said...

Hey Stargirl,
Thanks for telling your readers about the Travel Kitty Project. I'm glad you like the project. It's been going well...we have around 160 kitties traveling now. They are on all the continents except Antarctica (but hopefully I'll find a scientist somewhere to take one down that way this year). Have a great Christmas.